Sunday, February 3, 2008

A man's best friend- The Credit Card!

I am new into the professional world. This world has it's many wonders (hard to find but it does, trust me). One is the credit card. There are always people who are sweet enough to call you and inform how their credit card is the best. Reminds me of the better times- when parents used to gush about their kids and claim theirs were the best.

So I fell for one. I use such an expression because if you ask any person (excluding the solicitous card agents) about it, they fail to mask their abject horror and insist that it is something that you must always avoid. If you happen to have one (just out of curiosity or the eternal desire to look "cool") they beseech you to not, for the life of you, use it.

I nod and thank god (and my sociability) for having such well-wishers.

But I still fell for one- the impetuousness of the youth is to be blamed. The forbidden has it's special allure. I, playing perfectly to my ancestral heritage (I'm a bungaali, itself a gaali), carry out zero-research and fall for the first one I am canvassed for.

Oh, but I am no fool. The bank is esteemed enough- it has an unique flavour of the oriental and the occidental. It calls itself the world's local bank. They have some cool offers (including the fact that it's free - an obvious turn-on for a middle class Indian, plus a bungaali) which I pretend I understand- I have to look smart all the time- I work for an MNC! And happily become an owner of a Gold card. The nomenclature is suspect as the maximum balance (the maximum I can borrow) can buy only so much of gold at today's prices. But I am made to be convinced it's a big deal. I nod.

Months pass. Never felt the need to use it. Then something momentous happens in my life (no reason to hold your breath- the event is so prosaic and common, that you may suspect that I truly lead a most boring life), I get a new job.

Not a big deal. For you, maybe. The job was in a different city and I had to resign in the middle of the month. I had a notice period of one month, which I am meant to serve and then join the new organisation.

So for one and a half months there was no income. Now you are starting to get the damn reason I wrote this piece. For people yet to unravel the great mysteries of the Wonder World, when you resign all your pay is withheld till the magic "Full and Final" settlement.

Relocation is not easy. It requires tons of money. Monies that will be reimbursed by the new organisation and not paid for. Where do you get such money?

Parents you say, with an obvious shrug. I know too. It's just that once I have stepped into this Wonder World (or ya-ya land, take your pick) I have felt a great discomfort in asking them for money. But I yield, only a little bit. They have moved into a new flat and I should not exert further pressure- I decide.

Friends. My trusted girlfriend comes to the rescue. So does another great friend (male friend - who I've been incidentally linked up with - a proof of how debased our humour is. And by this I mean no disrespect to the gay community). They help me pull up. But there is yet something missing.

The Credit Card comes to the rescue. It may not buy a lot of gold, but it sure made sure that I am not made to do something desperate. Desperate measures, when you come to think of it, could mean several things. Selling your kidney (only a trip to Gurgaon), selling your body (I'm sure there were army wives in Noida), picking pockets (risky but I can always claim I'm an addict) and to beg (I suspect I'll be no good at it, despite my poverty stricken looks).

So who or what's a man's best friend - a dog? Don't amuse me. Faced with the above situation, the dog at best will give a good lick. And look cute. Real friends can only help so much. I am blessed with an awesome lady as a girlfriend (although she does not return the favour, understandably I may add) and generous parents. But sometimes even they have constraints.

The credit card helps you invariably. It may kill you later but makes sure you live today. I lived. Yet to pay but.

So you meet a pretty girl somewhere and you have zilch (pocket and savings account). How do things work out?

So you see something that you've always wanted and it's coming at a discount. But again you have zilch. You give it up? Give me a break!

So it's honeymoon time and you are made responsible to hold up your family's pride. Then?

I stand up for this- the Credit Card is my best friend!

The bleeding heart liberals please note that this was meant to be a non-serious post. I acknowledge the fleecing behaviour of the banks and the private sector in general. I also acknowledge the exploitative machinations of capitalism and it's gruesome cousin imperialism. I also acknowledge the fact that a friend has other uses (!!!) than lending money.


Unknown said...

I am blessed with an awesome lad as a boyfriend (although he does not get the hints when it's being said subtly and inexplicitly , unlike here on the blog, but since I may assume it's high time he got it..I am willing to do the honors)

Unknown said...

So she has returned the favour. Voila!

Unknown said...

And thanks!

Anonymous said...

my my!!! now that's sizably sweet..guys!!

and..what other uses (!!!) does a friend have other than lending money? I'm very curious, Abhirup..

Abhirup Saha said...


Now when you ask such a pointed question, Mallika (I presume it is you), I have very few things to offer. Good friends of mine have made such good use of my idle time. Today when I explore the nuances of loneliness, I value "timepass" in a whole new way. I am aware that I am being self-serving but yet I think friendship is a social contract whose primary purpose is to diffuse entertainment through interaction and activity. Sometimes it is also a shelter, most helpful in emotional upheavals.