Tuesday, July 17, 2007


We all have opinions on everything- life, work, men, women(!), books, movies, art etc. But should we have opinions on people- I mean how they are?
Its a difficult choice. Its one of my beliefs that no one behaves in a few particular ways. Human behaviour is a perennial fliud motion. Its never static, always under the influence of one thing or the other- it could be circumstances, the base instincts, the upbringing, the peer pressure and so on. At most, human behaviour can only be imagined as a fliud which takes the shape and contour of the vessel that stores it. And if the vessel breaks, the spirit flies and no predictive forecast of the behaviour would have any meaning.
But then the post-modernists say that even each and every medium can be interpreted in a different way, based upon the ideology you follow, the circumstances that you're in, and the world that exists. But do these intangibles also follow a fluid state?
The world is a sum of the parts. But some has more influence on how the World behaves than others. Take for example Armani, Hugh Hefner or George Bush. Do they change? or are their behaviour constant?
Their behaviour is again governed by a complex set of factors, the state of the world being a pretty crucial one. So here we are in a circularity- men who decide what the world should be are governed by the world themselves.
I need some clarity on this.
Till then I make an oath that I will not have any opinion on anyone.
But I will on books, movies, places and so on.

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